
Discussion in 'EKR Therapeutics' started by Anonymous, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:27 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Dave I will get what is coming to him. Since being asked to leave lilly he has burned many a bridge. He has few friends in the industry and now retains a reputation as a terrible leader. What a shame!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Worst VP ever. No leadership whatsoever. Sloppy dress, can't communicate, not sharp. You burned one too many bridges. The word is out. You wont' go anywhere outside of Howard or anybody related to the ESP days. You are terrrible.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Seriously, how did he become an exec? I've been asking myself this question (because asking someone else in the org is dangerous as you never know who is one of his inner circle), and for the life of me, the only thing I can come up with is that he was simply in the right place at the right time, or there really is no skill sets required to be in that position.

    I remember doing my phone interview with him and thinking, "that was the shortest non-interview I've ever had", and was even more confused when I met him face to face. Not the typical energizer bunny sales exec you typically see in pharma.

    I think it all literally boils down to the few who started at ESP...a small circle of friends, if you will, who, regardless of their talent (or lack thereof), will always make the cut. I can think of three people off the top of my head who fit this bill. This is probably the main reason EKR is having to let people go today. There was not enough talent to plan for and execute a plan when they knew that Teva was coming to market, nevermind clevidipine.

    So, in the end, for them at least, it's all about making as much as they can at the expense of the non-circle employees, and discarding you when the charade can no longer be sustained.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This, in a series of comments, coming from people who couldn't stop praising 'ole Dave and Steve and the whole bunch of them for their brilliant and caring leadership when they initially kept your arrogant asses on board after the EKR purchase. Funny how a few months, a shitty company, and money grubbing scum bags can all of a sudden make you change your mind. Afterall, you assholes thought you were in the "circle of friends". Maybe this will make you think about looking down your nose at others next time.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Actually, I'm a former pdl rep who left right after the company was sold to PDL. I heard about this round of layoffs on Friday from someone who didn't get the axe, and thought I'd ask the question. I really found myself questioning the process of becoming an exec after meeting Iwanicki.

    Part of the reason I left soon after being hired was because I just didn't see the talent in the people leading the company and thought that it was a company making it on sheer luck as opposed to a sound business plan. Looks like I was correct. There's a lot to be said for intuition.

    Be that as it may, I know there are plenty of people who have been here since it was ESP who got the axe, and they held no ill will towards anyone that got laid off when it went to EKR. I think it's a very select few that have drank the kool-aid to the point of assuming that talent was the relevant factor regarding the lay-offs.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Excellent points. Best of luck to you in whatever you are doing now.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest




  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh,Oh,Oh, you mean DaveIwant everyone to be loyal but I'm not
    DaveIcant really communicate effectively
    DaveIrode coattails most of my career and cant break out on my own

    OR is it DaveIm gonna eat ya cause your not in my inner circle
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How is any of this Dave's fault? I didn't hear you guys saying this when you were brought over. Is it Dave's fault that the 2x isn't out yet? Is it Dave's fault that nobody has been selling Depodur? I know people are pissed and that it's a shitty situation, but I don't know that it's really anyone's fault.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How about a fucking phone call after all these years, a little courtesy. Apparently, he wasn't persuasive enough to keep me, and if he did, then maybe he should call and say so. He's the leader, and should of saw this coming, and maybe he did but in a matter of a few days, pooof, massive layoffs? Loser in my book.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If it's nobody's fault, why do companies have people in upper management? I suppose they get the big bucks for kicking back and in their chairs tossing pencils into the ceiling? He's a thoughtless fuck who has overseened one debacle after another. In addition it is great fun to use his name for fun. For example DaveIHaven'tSeenMyShoesInTenYears...try it, its fun!!! :)
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How is it Dave's fault? He was one of the guys that brought down PDL!
    It's also Howard's fault for bringing over upper mgt from a failing company. What kind of business man does that? I don't know him well, but all I know is what I hear - he can't be trusted.
    What about Steve? Steve is a Dave's boy. They are part of the "circle of friends" All Steve's ever been able to do is run something into the ground. Well he may also run the female RBM's. No - they run him - if they don't get what they want he gets a lawsuit on his hands.
    Now Richard dissappoints me. I thought he was a OK guy and good business person, he let them lay off good people - many of the one's that work. He and Howard didn't have the balls to stop Steve and Dave.
    As for all of us - we all need to start looking for jobs.
    We should have sold what was in the bag "today." If all the hospitals didn't know about the 2X bags they would have bought the 1X bags. Now I have hospitals waiting for 2X, my bad! The company did know about the generic coming out - that's how they got Cardene so cheap from PDL. They knew about it, but didn't want to lose reps by telling us about it. Basically, this company just used us to sell Cardene for awhile while they made money off of us. I did start selling DepoDur, but I don't know enough about it to sell on my own. Why did they get rid of the people that could sell it and teach us what we needed to know. This company just uses people to make money for themselves. By the way, look for there to be another lay-off in February. Steve told his "female" RBM - and there may not be severance at that time either. Good luck!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What about Steve Hulse and his "relationships?" Interesting that he was chosen by Iwaniki to be one of the leaders. Are the women safe??
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What is the story about Steve's relationships with the female RBM's?
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    the word is he messed around with one, both married too, what PIGS.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ok, not that I give a damn as to the state of EKR, but...who in the hell would in their right mind mess around with SH??? LOL! He looks like a pig without lipstick!

    Good lord, no wonder this company is in the shitter. If you're going to mess around...damn, I can't even think of a good reason to go with SH!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think SH is HOT!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Thanks Dave. Now we know that you like donuts and SH...