Medicare Fraud

Discussion in 'Bioventus' started by Anonymous, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:18 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    And you would know it's not nationwide how? At NSM and training 3 years back reps from all parts of country discussed this. It happened 5 years ago. A rep (KR) from East Coast filed a lawsuit about this. As for CA AVP, ask fired CA reps.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not true. Some got severance. Some did not.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nationally we are hearing about the CMN portion but there was more. The way the CMN were manipulated and those involved were clearly trained that way locally to mislead and cut corners. It was local to CA. Even if there were questions about CMN elsewhere the way in which CA did it was unique, uniform, and clearly a strategy they were all in on. The dos that was fired was a rep for PH celebrated for cutting corners and 'efficiency' promoted by GM to replace an ethical guy with another short cut leader. Connecting the dots is easy. My two year old could put this together.

    Ask the CA reps and DoS for their tax returns. Ask GM why quota never goes up in CA but is stashed in other areas to protect and promote his followers. It is a sham. Feds are coming GM is driving the bus and BV looks complicit by keeping him here.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nationally we are hearing about the CMN portion but there was more. The way the CMN were manipulated and those involved were clearly trained that way locally to mislead and cut corners. It was local to CA. Even if there were questions about CMN elsewhere the way in which CA did it was unique, uniform, and clearly a strategy they were all in on. The dos that was fired was a rep for PH celebrated for cutting corners and 'efficiency' promoted by GM to replace an ethical guy with another short cut leader. Connecting the dots is easy. My two year old could put this together.

    Ask the CA reps and DoS for their tax returns. Ask GM why quota never goes up in CA but is stashed in other areas to protect and promote his followers. It is a sham. Feds are coming GM is driving the bus and BV looks complicit by keeping him here.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nationally we are hearing about the CMN portion but there was more. The way the CMN were manipulated and those involved were clearly trained that way locally to mislead and cut corners. It was local to CA. Even if there were questions about CMN elsewhere the way in which CA did it was unique, uniform, and clearly a strategy they were all in on. The dos that was fired was a rep for PH celebrated for cutting corners and 'efficiency' promoted by GM to replace an ethical guy with another short cut leader. Connecting the dots is easy. My two year old could put this together.

    Ask the CA reps and DoS for their tax returns. Ask GM why quota never goes up in CA but is stashed in other areas to protect and promote his followers. It is a sham. Feds are coming GM is driving the bus and BV looks complicit by keeping him here.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    All I can think is the other two JA AVPs are loving that attention is not on them at the moment.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    ultimately this disaster falls on Winnie and Lee Ann. when will leadership be held accountable?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    When FDA investigates. Winnie likes gray areas.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I’ve always like the term, “our understanding of the guidelines” or “ our interpretation of the process”
    Seems to me no one in upper management thought those terms were creating a questionable environment.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Upper management knows exactly what it is doing. My ex worked in marketing and left because of the compliance issues. BV tries to stay off of the radar. Methinks BV will soon see the light of day from SJWs.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Looks like the Southwest will be next. Another GM , look the other way and protect your favorites clone. JR is as bad for his allowing reps to steal orders from other regions, in addition to fraud. A failed rep becomes a poor trainer becomes a dos in a region he had never worked a day or understood the coverage. His job has never been to lead but to hide the theft of orders and corruption. Time to really clean house.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    really? Am I the only one that didn’t know this? Always thought he was good. Guess you can’t believe the hype.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You are pathetic. He was a great rep, a great trainer and DoS of the year. Someone got fired for commitmig Medicare fraud and is bitter. Grow up loser
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    i have to agree with the poster that the Southwest is next. It actually disappoints me that I have to burst your bubble. Take off the rose colored glasses , connect the dots and you’ll see the Southwest is no different than Nor Cal and the dos just as complicit. As for his quality as a rep, I only know I never saw him walk across the stage. As a dos, I only saw him cross on the backs of reps he inherited. In other words, GM set that up.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If this is the case then why is the AVP or DoS still here. If this crap is true then it’s tome to clean house. All of the DoS in the West (most of them) are past reps. If there’s a consistent thread of unethical practices then it’s time to blow the whole thing up. Dump Exogen and become an OA company. Bone stimulation is so outdated and the process is gross.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    GM is used car salesman at best, never stops talking and never actually says anything. I don't believe Nor Cal did anything different on CMN's than anyone else. There is plenty of use of a software program for altering notes used in Nor Cal, plus every order gets an LOMN that is written by the rep according to someone I went to training with. PH reminds me of GM, I never liked either of them. ZR seemed like a sleeze as well, really great company.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    With all due respect are you stoned? You seriously think the majority of the sales force uses software to alter clinic notes? You are insane. The investigation is proving you wrong as they are checking that verbally and computer wise so you are dead wrong. Wrong again on every order getting a LMN. You are an ex rep who is probably miserable in your landscaping job.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree with you. I don't think the majority of the salesforce did/is doing this. I am shocked to learn how many paid for the software - including dos - with corp credit card. That is ballsy to say the least. Can't deny knowing if you approved the expense reports.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I did not say the majority of the sale force uses software, if you can read. I said I heard it was common place in Nor Cal for reps to use (and some reps had the software expensed). I also know that it was best practice in the region to do an LOMN for the majority of orders. I don't think you can put the software on your company computer? My understanding is that reps in Nor Cal did not have side gigs though, I personally was to nervous I would be caught.

    I am in a region that is now being investigated, so we have been getting info from all sources. It seems like several reps in Nor Cal were fired without being told the reason, anyone at Bioventus could be fired if they looked through every order. I would be surprised if reps majority of reps used to fill out section B, its a hassle for the customer.

    p.s. This is just the excuse I needed to get off my ass and leave this dumpster fire.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Oh my... please get off your ass and leave.

    They know exactly why they were let go. The fact that you are too stupid to realize you said it earlier is scary. Using software to change notes idiot. If they can’t figure out that’s firesble and potentially getting them put in jail can’t help you or them. Nobody is losing job if they didn’t sign or use that software