MiMedx has a culture of honesty and integrity

Discussion in 'Mimedx' started by anonymous, Aug 18, 2017 at 12:06 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest


  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I wonder who applied those large grafts? The same thing was happening at the Long Island VA approx 5 yrs ago
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Since Pete and Bill are gone, maybe Thornton knows
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    One has to wonder if anything Pete says is true. His whole career seems to include fraud.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I don’t think the government is going to take too kindly about being over charged.
    I wonder how that is going to work out ?
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Pete and Bill, any comment on why you chose to over charge the government?
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    One has to think the writing is on the wall. Those two scumbags are in deep, deep trouble
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Are epifix micronized, amniofix injectable, and amniofix sports med all the same product but given different names and different prices to sell to different customers, with private clinics getting the cheapest price?
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Look no further than AmnioCord and EpiCord. Did Pete’s crack R&D team discover a second umbilical cord?

    All the products are the same, over priced and are not novel.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Once you peel this onion, what one finds is amazing. So much fraud, corruption. Remember all the denials from Pete, Bill and the rest of the gang. Indictments of VA physicians, overcharging the VA, fraudulent financials, fake studies, stock share count discreptencies, etc
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nope. All good here. Docs still love my products. Having record year. But thanks for addressing your concerns about former leadership.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How is business at Eisenhower, Dorn VA, Greenville VA , El Paso VA, etc?
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yep all eyes and ears are the former Bard Boys !
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    MiMedx really pushes the mesh graph, especially in larger sizes. Are there any studies that show the same efficacy as compared to a graft without the holes?
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They have no idea. It’s only a way to cover bigger wounds without lowering their high prices on other grafts.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So Pete is selling most of his MDXG stock. I’m guessing to find his defense
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The BARD BOYS and the Spine less manager all fit in with this culture . The word is spreading about how you guys operate . This will be fun to watch
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    And Just like that, everyone at Mimedx is honest and never did anything like the others.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It is interesting how employees blindly followed Little Pete and did whatever he instructed them to do. No matter how illegal, immoral and unethical these policies were. These same people claim to be of high moral character.

    When money is involved , I guess all of those lofty principles go out the window.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    All eyes and ears are on everyone !