Name your favorite Pfizer Blunder in the last 15 years

Discussion in 'Pfizer' started by Anonymous, Jun 28, 2010 at 11:24 PM.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    By the way, the 12 to 15 call per pressure led some reps to cheat to meet these expectations and this led to dropping off starter forms to be picked up later. Taking starter forms to dinner programs to get everyone in attendance to sign. In the completely stupid forging of the starter form. As a result, reps get terminated for these practices which made it more difficult for the reps doing the job correctly. Ultimately the trust within the organization started to break down which has contributed to a host of issues. SAD in my book!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Agreed. It also led to reps calling on easy to see low value targets because call average became more important than actual sales.

    BUT - as bad as targeting and other blunders of the sales division, the blunders that are sinking Pfizer are the lack of new marketable products - the almost zero productivity from R&D. Some of that stems from the ill conceived notion that you can buy other companies, force your culture on them and the highly talented and highly marketable employees will stay and be productive. WRONG - the best left to start or join other companies.

    Pfizer arrogance has been probably the biggest problem. PFE got lucky in the early 90s and then thought they had all the answers - my way or the highway. History has proven that theory spectacularly WRONG.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Follow-up from the post many meetings have we all been to where some HQ a-hole bragged about the company spending $ 7 Billion on R&D.

    $7Billion on what?? For God's sake, that's a hell of a lot of money, and how many new products to show for it??
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    All the above.

    I'll add...the lame $300 sales contests every other week promising debit cards if you win, and the debit card company took Pfizer's money and went bankrupt.
  5. It's very difficult to narrow this down to one. Here are four, in no particular order:

    1) Hiring Jeff Kindler as General Counsel

    2) Acquiring Pharmacia without a plan to reorganize/downsize the new company

    3) Appointing Hank McKinnell to Chairman/CEO

    4) Staging a three-way battle for CEO that ended with Kindler in charge.

    There are more, but this is a start.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Paying dumbasses to be SDs and paying them $300 k per year.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Letting 80% of the Wyeth reps go and keeping Pfizer reps. Yes Wyeth were and are better sales people. Dont blame yourselves Pfizer friends if you worked for us you be the best too instead you work for Pfizer and the docs, hospitals, etc all hate you bc of who you work for.

    Ok let the fun begin.

    Your Wyeth Friends.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    A minor one here: for me is that on my last day, Friday July 2nd , I received a packet of information on the new Compliance Policy "It's Mine" and a nice shiny pin..

    Too bad I received it on my ATS day -- kinda like salt in an open wound, especially since I had to train my replacements in India *sigh*
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Like McCain would have been better? I don't like the way Obama caves to special inaterests (meaning...corporations/lobbyists), but I just don't see any other candidate being any better. They're all owned by special interests (except for Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul).

    If you are indeed a Sarah Palin fan, then you're too stupid for words....
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Great Start..let me add on:

    Lipitor's Dr Jarvik Campaign (he is NOT a medical doctor)

    Toviaz Launch-What the hell was that? Did anybody feel motivated?

    Evelyn Hernandez-worst DM and overall hateful person

    Reps selling 6-7 products-Everybody was just checking boxes in Sherlock at that point

    Cutting samples in a recession
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hah - Dennis Kucinich sold his soul on healthcare for a ride on Air Force One and some attention for his wife from Michelle. He was going to stand tough and caved like a house of cards to the mob from Chicago. What a little fraud he turned out to be.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The self-imposed 2004 CIA agreement....which only led to last year's $2.9 Billion dollar fine and this next CIA agreement.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Let's be clear....only the lowest paid, geographically acceptable, younger, middle of the road performers from Wyeth were retained. Look around. End of story.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    Kelo v New London

    Pfizer spit on the graves of our forefathers by shitting on the 5th Ammendment and changed the laws of Eminent Domain from being only for the use of public reasons to the private sector. They took peoples homes away from them against their will, only to shut that location down within a few years! What's worse than that? GW is rolling over in his grave. Pfizer changed the Constitution. Think about that when you finally retire with your dream home on the water and a year later to build a Walmart.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Carl Wilbanks smiling on the webcast while announcing a massive jobcut the week before Christmas in 2006
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Exubera as a whole was a big double-barrelled dump, but one act of insanity that stands out in my mind is a "contest" run by our RM to see how many prescribers each district could nominate for Exubera speaker training.

    My counterpart and I sent in a list with 20 plus names, most of them PA's and residents who were eager to make extra money. They all received invites, flew to some training meetings, and promptly did nothing at all afterwards since we dumped the product. To this day some of these people are pissed about that and we still hear about it.

    Truely, that was the peak of insane minds not knowing what to do with Exubera
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That was a great example of the idiots who were promoted to RM and VP due to a faulty system of awards and sales credit. Between hyped up house accounts and sales stolen from others, these cheesy, win at all cost bastards were promoted. Why should we be surprised when they broke their word and did not pay up on sales contests. Having idiots at the top was our biggest blunder.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think there was more than insulin in those Exubera bongs up in New York.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    4 liberal activist judges, plus swing vote Kennedy is all it takes to tip the balance of power. Without property rights and the right to life nothing makes this country unique from other secular socialist countries. Pfizer has supplanted all that is good about this republic. It's becoming a liberal institution here that is corporately corrupting our government.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Pfizer is supporting Harry Reid !!! This country has lost it's mind. A corporate / government complex is destroying this country.