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Discussion in 'Boston Scientific' started by Anonymous, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:47 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We must have the worst leadership out there. Outside of some leads that everyone else has we have had no new products. Plus MDT is telling all my physicians that they will have a fully compatible MRI system in 2012, and St. Jude's new system is going to be tough to compete with. We are doom. I guess those that have left for the competition were smart. Shite!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If Medtronic has a MRI compatible system by 2012, I'll eat my shorts. They might start a _clinical_ by 2012, but available for sale? Not likely.

    Boston Scientific really screwed up management of Advanced Bionics -- no question there. When ABI was purchased, they were basically the technology leader. But then they killed every new project and now Neuromodulation is stagnant.

    St Jude's new sytem will probably just fix the crap on the old one. Do you think it will have new features?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nah that might just call it EonMini Plus like you guys did with Precision with minimal changes or fixes.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Outsider question here...

    What are the biggest difference between the Boston, Medtronic and St. Jude system. My wife has chronic pain and her pain doc is recommending St. Jude. Just tryong to do our research. The pain doc says the St. jude's paddle is superior to the other companies. Probably a random place to ask a question but thought i would try.

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What is the market share between the 3 companies. Its my impression that mdt technology is outdated, hence the decline in their share. And that St. Jude is 2nd but climbing fast, amd BSX is 3rd and growing butbeing outpaced by StJ
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    the market leader continues to be MDT. SJM is #2 followed by BostonLacksScience. MDT and SJM both have good leads. MDT is a better service company
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The STJ paddle is half the size of their trial lead, good luck replicating whatever stim is felt from a trial, for the perm. Also, ask your pain guy what he knows about any cases of neural deficit with the GIGANTIC STJ paddle. Lastly, have him knock his socks off by doing an STJ trial, so long as you can have the Boston Sci rep come in with the OMG the day of the trial. The OMG lets a Boston rep hook up their technology to competitor (STJ/MDT) trial leads. Good luck!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This guy above is obviously a new Boston rep spewing a bunch of bullshit he just learned in training. COMPLETE misinformation regarding leads and lead sizes idiot! Paddles are different than perc for a reason. Oh I forgot, BSX only has one paddle that MDT and SJM have had out for over 10 years. And your OMG is a bunch of shit as well. OMG turns into a bunch of leading questions to already fragile patients. It puts them in a sales situation and is wrong! If BSX technology is so much better, how come NO ONE has ever been able to prove this??????? Every study to prove this has been redacted. You are just another BSX asshole that helps give this therapy a bad name. Go sell some used cars asshole.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Guess what else is obvious?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wow sounds like you just lost a patient to Boston. How is it "wrong" to give a patient a choice? It seems wrong to deny it to them. Presumably you, as an ANS rep, put the patient in a sales situation every time your talk to them during their trial, because you want the implant. Now because the patient has an option your pissed? If you don't like it, tell ANS to create their own OMG and connect to Boston leads and see how well it works.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    St Jude is pretty much cleaning clocks and has taken over a significant amount of MDT and BSC implanters because of their new delivery system. End of story
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    More hype than substance. Doc's want to be considered for initial training, but lack in interest in using the delivery system on a routine basis. I have one doc that said it is unique, but not a game changer and won't change his implanting preference
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Some of us actually do the right thing! I do not put my patients in a sales situation. If you think a patient will do well and is just nervous, sure you push for the perm. If I don't think the trial is going well and will not improve the patients life, I NEVER push that patient and say it may not be right for them. You earn more respect from your doc's, raise the efficacy rates of SCS, and actually do the right thing for our patients. It is assholes like you that give SCS and med device in general a bad name! If you can use the OMG and not say a word, then go for it. I have heard you scumbags on many occasions asking fragile and sometimes nutty patients your line of leading questions. Placebo works a certain percent too right! All 3 companies have their share of shit bag reps, but you assholes top the list. And oh yeah - BSX is 3rd in my territory.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Read this article before you consider STJ. Go w/MDT for better service and product.

    How many others have had simliar Penta issues? This doesn't look good...

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Clearly you guys have not been in this business long enough to realize this outcome is not out of the realm of possibility when working with surgical leads. I think this story is more about the implanter(s) and their lack of training than it is with the lead itself.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Very true. Every company has unfortunately had this happen. If you are in the business long enough, it will happen. A lot had to do with the Doc and some has to do with chance. Do you want us to start talking about pumps Medtronic guy? It also has happened with your paddles too. Shitty competitive reps will run around talking about this until it happens with their product. Grow up!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Typical SJM tactic...train any and everyone to implant!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's really funny considering BSX was LITERALLY trying to train ANY kind of Doc they could a few years ago.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    we only work with the best, stop crying just because your ass is being handed to you in every major market by us