New Baxter CIO?

Is there a new Baxter CIO? I hear Karennan got thrown out (finally) and is now with WalMart.

Maybe you want to check your facts. Karen Ann was promoted as far as anyone at Baxter has information to Walmart executive. Now we are being managed by a can man who is a shy introvert He's so smart he's getting rid of everyone who knew anything in IT and I can't wait to see who he replaces them with.

Maybe you want to check your facts. Karen Ann was promoted as far as anyone at Baxter has information to Walmart executive. Now we are being managed by a can man who is a shy introvert He's so smart he's getting rid of everyone who knew anything in IT and I can't wait to see who he replaces them with.

From quite a few of the execs who used to work with her, they were quite negative on her; also, leaving a high-compensation global CIO job with a profitable, healthcare company to go to work for the nastiest, cheapest cut-throat retailer in the world at a much lower pay & title package - sure does not seem like a promotion; her legacy at Baxter is that she made several questionable hires, promoted under-qualified people, removed competitors by undermining them, and had an ineffective, non-cohesive technology strategy