
Discussion in 'United Therapeutics' started by anonymous, Aug 3, 2016 at 1:18 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    JW did you have your thread removed, people know what kind of person you are and how you treat others. Life is a circle

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Or either it was JF who is just as bad.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Something removed again.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Of course it was removed. JW is embarrassed by the truth and the number of people who know first hand how arrogant he is and who despise him. No one respects or likes you JW. Do us all a favor and leave. Take your millions and disappear. No one here wants to see your face every day. You make us miserable and you've hurt too many good people here. Leave now!
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Time to restart the theme. Anyone
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not to mention how he walks around this place like he owns it and that even people he thinks he can trust talk about him and really can't stand the person he is. It's also not a surprise that certain people have been hurt by changes only because he doesn't like them. Some are people who are favored by many including Martine. Anyone who takes the limelight away from JW is doomed here. It's a matter of time before Martine uncovers all of this. MB has no idea he has been partnered with the Devil.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Does MR even know who was released or demeaned? Does she care? I have to wonder. When I came, I was told she cared about people. Not sure anymore.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    She does care. She just doesn't know what's going on.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I have heard from a fairly reliable source that MR has been made aware of these threads that JW desperately wishes would go away. She's starting to better understand the person that he is as opposed to the person that he wants her to see.

    She's starting to learn a bit more about why the discussions about bringing BioScript on as a third SPS mysteriously went nowhere when their CEO abruptly told JW they did want want to move forward with discussions with UT. She's also becoming more aware of the verbal and written ROI comments JW has made re. our grants to CVC. I've also heard that she's starting to learn more about the negative impact JW has had on what was once a great culture.

    If his promises to her to resurrect declining sales do not materialize, she may view him as more of a liability.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good. People need to get to her and tell her ASAP.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We shouldn't rely on others to bring this stuff to the light of day. EVERYONE needs to play a role so that she has truly understands the damaging impact that JW is having on her company.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How can she not know. I am concerned the board should also be aware. The company is run by the board. Just ask RJ about that

    So I am hopefully for those of you who know the actions taken by JW and HR were illegal seek counsel for their opinions I am esp concerned about promotions or change in job title without posting position This is the time to act for yourself and the good of the company. So it can return to the premier company it once was
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    glad to see this group is finally moving toward doing something as opposed to merely complaining about the situation. Board of Directors will not get involved in Personnel matters like this. The only people that need to be made aware of JW's inappropriate behavior (on so many levels) are MR and MB. As an HR person, MB is keenly aware of how important confidentiality is and more importantly how bad retaliation would be so I would suggest folks write to or speak with MR and MB and provide facts around JW's inappropriate behavior. Keep it to the exaggeration. The more people that speak up, the more difficult it will be to ignore the obvious.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Absolutely true. We all have to do this. Our future depends on the success of Martine and UT. We can't let a few rotten and self serving apples take us down a rabbit hole. MR has to become aware if she really wants to save this company. Stock price is not up because of JWs and MBs not so novel ideas. It's up temporarily. Only because they let go some excellent reps and sacrificed the reputation of others just to decrease expenses and use it as an opportunity to destroy good people. That's not how you grow a company. What happened to building a company of good and loyal people and a culture of trust and loyalty? Come on MR! Take control! Take back what you built. A lot of us respect you and care about UT. Clean house! I pray you are reading this.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It would probably be more appropriate to go directly to HR or whomever instead of continuing this dialogue on CP. It's not going to help you (or the company) to post all this dirty laundry here, it just makes you look vindictive.

    If what JW was doing for years was offensive or illegal or immoral why are you just now pursuing it? If it's just because you've been let go then that speaks as much to you as it does to him. Doing the right thing isn't something that you choose to do when you lose a paycheck or a promotion. Step up. Take your documentation to the people that can do something with it. MR has always made herself available via email so reach out directly instead of "praying" she's reading this.

    I've been impacted by the layoff so don't think I don't have skin in the game - just would like to urge people to not get caught up in the anonymous outlet here and instead do something about it. If there are legs to any of this information do the right thing instead of hoping that your posts will initiate an investigation.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who un the hell cares about all the crap you have taken 30 min to write here! Get a life and get over the jealousy! Omg more important things in life.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We all care. YOU need to shut up. Obviously you're one of JWs beneficiaries. Maybe one of the many who was promoted and still no one knows what the hell you do? All of this trash on JW is overdue for exposure. Now people closest to MR need to make sure it gets to her and the board. He boasts how close he is to the board in meetings daily. It's time the board sees his true colors. It's up to everyone who cares about UT to make sure that happens.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why is no one talking about all of JW's lavish expenditures for travel and entertainment? If you dig, you will find. Cutting him off will help the bottom line immensely.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Because it is unethically and others have been terminated from the company for the same reason. I know longer work for UT, one of the reason is JW and his ego. Yes, this should go to MR however if it was not a threat to him and his people why would it be continued to be removed.

    I am sure it bothers him and it should. I do like to bother the little fellow. Good luck to you all, I hope you are able to return to your old culture.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How's it feel to be fired and out of work ? Get over it before we slap you around again
