So called judges?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by anonymous, Feb 6, 2017 at 3:27 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The judge is a political left wing leaning hack. He'll be shut down after appeal. Good for Trump, Bad for liberal Judge(s) who compromise national security.
  3. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    He was appointed by Dubbya idiot. Jesus fucking Christ, you boyz are so lame.............:p:p:p....
  4. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Recommended for the bench, by that ugly Washington dyke Patty Murray Vag. The judges are horse traded by the establishment in DC. That said, I could see the idiot W, being fooled by someone like this. Jake the Snake (John) Roberts sure fooled him.
  5. #5 Vagitarian, Feb 13, 2017 at 1:16 PM
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017 at 9:55 PM

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    I hear you but ten we almost have to respect the balance of power. The executive branch is not the dictatorial branch. When W lost a famous case in court he said, "I will abide by the ruling, that doesn't mean I agree with it." In other words, we need to continue to respect these 3 separations of power - just a tad of respect in order to preserve Ammerican values and then? Sure, re write the damned thing. Trump is not an attorney and he can't just be a little bull in a China shop writing orders that don't pass the litmus test and then scream about them. And by the way, even Scalia wrote a few opinions that Trump may not have agreed with. Gorsich isn't a carbon copy but he is a constitutionalist. So what did you think of Roberts when nominated? I thought he looked pretty good. And how about Gorsuch? Roberts disappointed many with his decision on ACA but Scalia disappointed many on his decision on flag burning. He spoke about the matter in a 2012 interview with CNN, saying that while he does not approve of flag burning, it is fundamentally protected by the Constitution and the Founding Fathers' efforts to create a government not ruled by tyranny. So sometimes true conservatives disappoint true conservatives. But it doesn't mean they didn't make the correct legal decision. Scalia was said to be a jurist who believed in a pure texualist reading of the Constitution. He made some tough calls in his career, especially in free-speech cases where his vote went against his personal principles. For example, he famously said, “If it were up to me, I would put in jail every sandal-wearing, scruffy-bearded weirdo who burns the American flag, but I am not king./" And neither is Trump or Obama or anyone.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good grief did I ever peg you when I dubbed you the idiot boy!

    Yes, we have separation of powers but a federal judge or even an entire circuit is not empowered to over-ride the actions of the executive. Why? Because the executive is elected and therefore accountable to the people. Judges aren't so the Constitution limits the power of the judiciary. Of the 3 branches the courts are designed to be the weakest since they are unelected and often serve life time appointments.

    It is not the role of judges to play super executive or super legislator. Not their role to establish law or policy for this nation.

    The ruling of the judge was at painfully obvious odds with the law as passed by the legislature and with a SCOTUS precedent. This little pip squeak judge WAY overstepped his legal bounds. Just because a cop wearing a badge does something doesn't make it lawful. Same for judges. Just because they wear a black robe and have an inflated and unconstitutional opinion of their own power doesn't mean their actions are lawful or should be followed by a duly elected president!!!!!!!

    The judiciary is way out of control and is more of a threat to our republic than anything Trump is likely to do even if he served for 20 years!
  7. #7 Vagitarian, Feb 13, 2017 at 10:24 PM
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017 at 11:45 PM

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Good grief, where did you study US government? What do you mean their not empowered to override? They just did it. And with that said, there's a reason why DT is rewriting vs challenging in SCOTUS. It needs to be done correctly. And I believe he will do it correctly and that will be a good learning experience for him. But with your lack of basic knowledge on the separation of powers, here's something for you, Study it:

    Note the KEY words, The president carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, not decides new ones, recommends new ones. It's a process. If Donald had some proper training he might have written it correctly the 1st time. I'm sure he can get it right this time. His problem isn't his ideas, it's his ego and thinking everything that doesn't go his way is 'terribly unfair'.

    Do you really think every president just gets to 'write laws' unchallenged just because they were elected? That was our problem with Barry. If things were that way, each time we had an election, the new POTUS would just sit down and write out executive orders. That's a laugher............:rolleyes:

    And by the way, it's called 'balance of power' because our forefathers didn't want ANY of these 3 branches to get out of control.
  8. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    When the fairy Obama list, he just circumvented the process, through Executive Order.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Learn to read, idiot boy! I plainly stated the facts: the judges actions contradicted both statute and SCOTUS precedent! The Judge is trying to write new law, not Trump, you fool!

    And in our lifetimes it is the judiciary that has plainly gotten out of control.

    How do you think we got gay marriage? The court "made" law which is not their role under the constitution. What a clueless tyranny enabling dolt you are.

    And where in the constitution are the courts given power in matters of foreign affairs or immigration? Hmmm?
  10. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    It was a single judge decision at first, then upheld 3 to 0. Trump wrote an executive order, the judge ruled on it, then 3 judges upheld that decision. Donald has said all along the USA should be United State(s) of America not just one United State. As far as gay marriage and marijuana, that's exactly what's happening.

    Look into a night school class in your area.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If you're robbed by 4 thieves instead of just one, it doesn't make it legal. All 4 judges are at odds with clear statute and SCOTUS precedent. That doesn't change, idiot boy, regardless of how many black robed tyrants might agree.

    And, ah dude, I hate to break the news to you but gay marriage was imposed nationally by an out of control tyrannical 5 members of the SCOTUS. So your babble there is incomprehensible.

    There's a short school bus that runs through your area. Be sure to get on it in the morning.
  12. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    You say it was imposed? Has anyone ever trid to make you enter a same sex marriage? You have a hard time when things don't go your way, don't you? It's all out of control - LOL!

    It was a 5-4 decision in a court with a conservative majority. Prior to Obergefell, thirty-six states, the District of Columbia, and Guam already issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples.The governor of Puerto Rico announced on that same-sex marriage would begin in that territory and the governors of the Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands (respectively) made similar announcements. The status of same-sex marriage in American Samoa remains uncertain.

    You lose.......:cool:
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    All you've proven is that you're an ignorant, stupid fool.

    Your claim of 36 states issuing same sex marriage licenses prior to Obergefell is completely false. Actually only a handful of states had issued gay marriage licenses and even fewer had done it based upon a democratic legislative or referendum process.

    And the SCOTUS is not a super legislature or a constitutional convention. It has no legitimate suthority to create law or to determine public policy for hundreds of millions of American citizens. You have to be a fool of immense proportions to think that 5 people should be able to overrule the majority of roughly 350 million.

    You are so ignorant that even if you weren't stupid you still couldn't come to correct conclusions. You are also a fan boy of tyranny and destruction of our constitution!
    But investigative journalism and the first amendment you cry! You are truly pathetic and clueless.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Let me try to put this in terms that even you can understand. Do you think it would be appropriate for a 5-4 vote by SCOTUS to outlaw weed across the nation as it did to legalize so-called gay marriage?

    Is it their place to set drug policy for 350 million people? Or is it the role of the people or their elected representatives to make laws and set policy?

    Yeah, you've been painted into a corner yet again by insightful questions which demolish your absurd contentions.

    Now are you going to play the coward and run or are you going to answer the question like a man?
  15. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Actually probably your very 1st decent point ever. I agree, states should decide:. If you recall I criticized Obama mercilessly when Jobama over-ruled Arizona checking citizenship years ago.

    So we agree for once? Staes decide on marijuana, same sex marriage and abortion - right? Yes or no?

    Cool, so glad we're on the same page amigo! :cool:
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good grief! Once again you manage to make a fool of yourself and a coward all at the same time.

    The question you were confronted with is do you think it's appropriate for 5 unelected SCOTUS justices to set policy and "make" law for 350 million people.

    When it comes to issues as fundamental as human life and marriage then we need one national policy on that. It's impractical and inherently problematic to have different policies in different states on those issues.

    Whether you like it or not, the Feds have a right to set drug policy. while I could live with each individual state making its own policy on weed, I am absolutely ok with the Feds outlawing it which they have done and since that is the case, federal law will trump state law.

    So quit babbling and answer my question. We're a long way from discussing state's rights and federalism. You haven't even come around to the foundational proposition that the people or their elected representatives should set law and policy in this nation and not courts, not federal courts, not state courts.

    Right now you're on the record of being a tyranny fan boy. I tried to get you to see the light a long time ago when the courts undermined the clear will of the people and your state constitution when the courts acted tyrannically and overturned Cali's Prop 8. But since you were ok with the outcome, you thought throwing in with tyranny was cool.

    So don't talk to me about state's right when the people of your state were told they couldn't amend their constitution through a perfectly legal and established mechanism.
  17. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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  18. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Oh really? Then why on Oct 19, 2016, did candidate Donald Trump say: If overturned the abortion Issue 'Will Go Back to the States'? And if Federal law trumps state law, why do 3 states have a right-to-die provision?

    You live in a bubble. :cool:
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No, you just live enmeshed in cowardice and stupidity.

    You didn't answer my question about SCOTUS. Are you afraid to? Of course you are. I've painted you into the dunce corner again.

    If Roe is overturned it will go back to the states. I'm talking about something else.

    Does the federal law forbid right to die laws? Hmmmm? Of it did, it would Trump state law. You lose again.
  20. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    My job is not answering your foolish, wanna-be-attorney questions. :p:p:p