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The Axe has Fallen on the Amrix CSO!

Discussion in 'Cephalon' started by Anonymous, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:25 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Have you heard?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    old news moron
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Too bad you were dumped you dummy
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It has also fallen on your worthless (and I'm being generous here) Cephalon RD's who got a 2 year free ride courtesy of Andy.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Only 30% reduction. 2/3 are staying. Axe hasn't fallen. More like they took a few inches off the top.... We're still here!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sheesh. Dumb cephalon reps. their own RD's got the ax. What a bunch of fuckin idiots. Most of the CSO will stay in place. Go promote whatever you are promoting in your living room like you have the past 2 years you losers.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I believe 138 out of 338 got cut.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You work for a contract company? Seriously....
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    & you think your in sales, while along you realize you've been a walking billboard, an annoying commercial that interrupts people while they are working. Imagine you had to reply to 10 spam emails a day everyday everytime they show up, while your working. & it's the same friggen ones. Think about what you do, then think what a contract sale person does. Same thing if you ask me. Then ask yourself if you really had to secure a contract do you have the hutspa to get the business. Nope you ask someone to sign something to show some overpaid baby sitter that you worked. You just happened to make alot of money which somehow distorted your self esteem so much that you actually believe that there is something somehow different from a day to day perspective. Other then receiving a paycheck from another company. somehow I think you'llbe working for some contract company and realize it ain't much different. I am also an overpaid walking commercial for cephalon who used to love the good times & the money that's tossed around
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wow. How can I "Like" this?
  11. Walking Eagle

    Walking Eagle Active Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    Attention neuro reps: when Nu- and Pro-vigil go generic next summer, guess what happens to you guys? You get to start selling Amrix again. Better brush up on the muscle relaxant market and Amrix marketing info. You might want to start now as with the cut in the contract force, you may start selling Amrix in the first quarter of 2011. Welcome back.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Isn't it odd that those who believe they are the "cream of the crop" have some of the most atrocious grammer? It's you're not your in the context that you used it. It's than not then. Aint doesn't have an apostrophe which would suggest a contraction between two words and is poor grammer even if you did not use the apostrophe. The word you're looking for is isn't. The reason some of the contract employees are inferior is because they believe their job, and the job performed by professional sales representatives, is to be a walking billboard and to just look to get signatures. That is not what professional sales representatives do. Those of us in the Northeast sold the heck out of Amrix and would welcome it back. We had to sit back and watch sales go steadily backwards after we handed over Amrix to Inventiv. Granted it was not all your fault after January 1, 2010. Our crack managed care team did nothing to help you. They have been equally adept at securing formulary positioning for Nuvigil. I simply suggest if you have been a contract sales person for five or more years you are simply unhireable by anything other than a contract sales company. The contract sales position is a fine one to get started with to gain valuable experience in the industry or as a stop over for representatives that have been downsized, but it is not a career anyone with talent would choose for the long haul.

    You also don't have to shed any tears for the Cephalon RDs that were "cut". They have all secured new positions within the company. Some were useless and some were very talented but they are all still employed. I feel for the Inventiv people who lost their jobs, especially at this time of year, but this was a contract that should have never been signed. Cephalon was the place to be before they brought in all the big pharma dreck. Unfortunately now, it is just a place to be but that is clearly better than not having a place to be. Best of luck to all those who lost their jobs. The way the industry is going many more will join the ranks of the downsized. 50,000 in 2010 alone and more to come in 2011.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I've read your post weveral times with interest and sadness. The difference in a contract rep and a direct manufacturer's rep is only in attitude and peer perception. Yours is clear, and clearly wrong.

    Why are you so sanctimonious and convinced that just because you work for a company with a manufacturing division that you are any more qualified (i.e. "better") than a rep who works for a contract company? You have the same education; are trained by the same people; trained with the same materials and often in the same facility; pass the same tests; sell to the same providers; have the same goals and objectives; and your performance is measured the same way. You do the exact same job but somehow you have the misconception that you are better, or that the contract rep is less qualified.

    Although it has nothing to do with qualifications or experience, directly hired reps have typically been paid more and enjoy more lucrative bonus plans; but that trend is rapidly changing. If you doubt that, ask anyone who has recently been hired by Merck.

    The real problem lies with people like you who tries to mask malicious feelings of superiority by saying a few nice things about how you feel bad for those who lost their jobs. If you have any honest observations about why one rep is better than another solely based on the company their paycheck comes from, please post it here on CP. Otherwise, perhaps you should direct your criticisms elsewhere or make them more self reflective.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    woot woot pull over pull over its the punctuation police!!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I disagree. My experience with contract reps is that they aren't as good. This could be solely for the reason that they aren't as motivated because they don't make as much money or have the same incentive plans as the regular reps. They don't put in the effort and they don't represent the company as well because they don't have any buy-in or loyalty to the company itself. Not to say that they couldn't be just as good, but they haven't been in my experience probably due to a lack of effort and motivation.
    My only thoughts about the reps that lost their jobs is the honest response that while I have empathy, it is for sure better that it happened to them than to me. They would feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot. These days, it is every man, woman, and child for themselves out here.
    It could have been either one of us and it still might be.
  16. Walking Eagle

    Walking Eagle Active Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    When the contract started, top contract reps could make good bonus checks. You worked harder, you got paid in proportion. Don't know if it is InVentiv or Cephalon, but the rules changed--all about numbers now, not dollars and increasing business. SOMEBODY fucked up a very good contract and all on the contract as well as the Amrix franchise and Cephalon are suffering as a result. SO, a big FUCK YOU to all those involved in the decision making process.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    amen to that. couldn't have said it better myself.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You Cephalon reps are disturbingly funny. You get paid a great salary and most, if not all of you stay home 4 out 5 days. When you actually do crawl out of your holes, you have no qualms about selling illegally. Oh wait, I mean "creatively." Even after "entering" into your C.I.A., your company still encourages you to sell off label without any concern regarding the potential consequences. It's understandable though. You can't help it. Here's a motto from one of your own executives, "I believe in C.A.S.E. - Cheat and steal everything." That says it all.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You are 100% off base on this one. I can't speak to people's work habits but I think you are wrong. We are out there working. However, I am sure there would be more passion behind it if the comp plan were better and more people were making it to even their target bonus. Keeping that in mind, it isn't worth presenting any off-label info these days! We know that we probably won't be fired for sales results unless they are perpetually dismal, but non-compliance will get you canned quick. Not worth risking the job when there little reward for it. So...no. No off-label selling happening these days.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The song of those who can't is you must be doing something wrong. Face it you work for a contract sales force because no one else will hire you. "They must be doing something wrong because they can sell things and we can't". In the Northeast we sold the shit out of Amrix and you destroyed what was created long before there were any managed care barriers. Perhaps the problem is a limited skill set. If you need to make yourself feel better by thinking Cephalon reps are home 4 out of 5 days a week go for it, but what does that say about your skill set? You were outsold by someone who works once a week and you are working, and I use the term working loosely, 5 days a week really? Then you are even more pathetic than I originally thought. Obviously you are grasping at straws and are attempting to say they are successful because they sell 'off label'. How is Amrix being used "off label"? All I know is you couldn't sell a muscle relaxant in a market with virtually no competition. Honestly they should have voided the contract and sent all of you packing. I don't wish for anyone to lose their job; I just wish for you to go away.