This will be the nail in the coffin...

Discussion in 'Insys Therapeutics' started by anonymous, Jul 4, 2018 at 9:27 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So Perdue Pharma lays off the entire sales force for off label promotion of an opioid and they are now freshly embroiled in lawsuits. What does Insys do? WE HIRE THEM FOR LEADERSHIP SPOTS!!!! How will that look for outsiders? “We are a new organization, even though we do still have a chunk of the really bad reps from a few years ago but now we also have those reps that were recently let go from a different company for the same shit.”. I hope everyone has their resume polished up. We can’t get FDA approval for anything, are hemorrhaging money, and can text numerous times per day that we don’t have any scripts until we are all laid off.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What you say makes sense. So why do you stay? Is it the inflated salary scale? The only lure to go to work there. Anyone with a valiant reputation wouldn’t go near your company.... Hence, overpaid bottom feeders. That’s the answer