Tornier Earnings


Can't understand the rationale for retaining the leadership at Tornier. They missed earnings, again. Revenues down, administrative expenses up, major shareholders all bailed. Under TR the company has lost over $60 million yet he flies in, eats expensive meals, drinks big bottles of wine, is abusive and inappropriate, but contributes no value. The climate and culture is the worst in years and the sales organization is confused, disorganized and running scared. Which, of course, is the way TR wants them.
Well, there can be no rationale for the irrational.

I could not agree more with both of the previous posts. If Tornier is looking to be the least profitable company with a very good product offering then keep the current leadership in place. Otherwise someone on the board needs to wake up and make some serious leadership changes. The fact that TR is staying thru the Wright merger, only means that there is incompetence within Wright as well.

the arrogant assholes think they are all untouchables at the top. The managers are probably the worst I've ever seen in my 30 years in orthopedics. HQ should fire themselves. Arrogant mother fucking pricks who think they're untouchable.