What comes next?

Discussion in 'Johnson & Johnson IT' started by anonymous, Mar 14, 2019 at 10:55 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Now that the whole organization has been decimated, I’m curious if a review will be done as to who was kept and why? If I were the new leadership, I’d want to see supporting data on how and why decisions were made. In some situations, the “chosen” remaining employee versus those that were let go defy logic.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes I think we are all interested in that and let’s go back 15 months to when this whole mess started. Those that remain are not the leaders who can make a difference for the future of JnJ while many of those who were let go were the ones with the strong IT and leadership qualities.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    heard MD budget has been slashed, how IT will sustain the function
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Like who? Surely you cant mean the ones who were escorted out?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No I don’t think they meant the ones escorted out but rather the long term JNJ VPs who were eliminated as part of the TS reorganization.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It is a clusterf*ck. They are sawing at all legs of the chair at once.
    The processes we're supposed to follow are new. The tools we're supposed to use are new. Everyone has been thrown around, key people have been let go. Expectations are sky high, but funding is zero.

    I have never heard so many people mention they're borderline burned out, or are considering quitting, and these are people with years and years of experience and a true J&J heart.
    It's sad to see.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    very true and has been true for a number of years. Noone has provided direction and demanded compliance to the path set forward. SM was such a weak leader, he wanted: Agile, Flow, Intake process, etc, etc. but as soon as some one of his lieutenants had an excuse for not complying, it was ok and once that happened, the wheels fell off. Then you have the SW, DZ, MA and JC crew, where they think/thought they were being directive but their teams just laughed behind their backs and told them what they wanted to hear. That crew has no IT background to even know people were lying right to their faces.

    What it will take is a strong leader with technical skills to quickly set a direction and insist on everyone following it or.....there will be consequences. Who is up to that task?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The $hit has not yet begun to hit the fan. Basically all long term white male IT VPs (TW, ZD, etc) will be gone by EOY. They simply have underperformed and are antique relics at this point. We need more D&I and young blood that can really transform the organization!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What we need first and foremost is not just people with vision, but people who STICK to it. They keep changing stuff weekly. New teams. New strategic partners. New models. New ownership.
    How many leadership teams and structures did we go through the past decade? When did anyone ever REFLECT on a direction that was chosen and review its effectiveness?
    People get a bonus and move on before anyone can judge how succesful their strategic idea was. Remember the global standardization on Xerox? How well did that work out...
    We need consistency. Everyone is sick to death of having to absorb new systems and methods when they've just got the hang of the previous thing that was supposed to be pure gold.
    Plot a course, review what works, and STICK with something for once!
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who is next SW or CD? (the dictator or the clueless)
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    My bet is on CD. He has no clue what he is doing, never has. As soon as Stuart was gone C had to know he is totally exposed as someone who does not belong in an IT VP role.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Carlton, like all other clueless Merck/Medco minions rode Stuart’s coat tails into JNJ. Look at the mess they’ve created!

    Stu is now onto the (cough-cough) State Department, where the claim “Stuart’s extraordinary professional background gives me confidence he will adapt our IT structures to operate with maximum effectiveness,” Pompeo wrote in an email to staff, which Federal News Network obtained“.

    Did they call anyone at JNJ up to check on that BS?
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    CD should definitely be the first to go and the sooner the better. Putting him in that role had to be the biggest blunder DZ made when he put that new org together last year. CD was probably the least qualified of all the people in the mix when that org was announced. But he is Stu’s buddy from way back and good friends with the “preferred” vendors.

    SW will be exposed very soon as well. Another one of Stuy’s buddies who had no business being in that role. He is a manufacturing guy, probably knows manufacturing but knows nothing about IT. He tried to apply his process excellence theories to complex IT processes. It didn’t work and anyone who tried to explain or reason with him was beaten down till after a while everyone just told him what he wanted to hear. There has been no vast improvements made as he claims, the metrics he speaks to are fabricated. Now without Stu and Sandi, the SW house of cards will crumble.