Who exactly is Phil?

Discussion in 'Bayer' started by Anonymous, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:48 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Told that he wants to bring the two corporate jets move to Morristown Airport (from Pittsburgh) which is adjacent to Whippany site. Does not want to fly commercial anymore. This way his security detail and one of his assistants can accompany him on trips.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    is paul bedard still there
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Unfortunately Paul is still with Bayer and killing WHC. Wish he would go back from where he came from and lie to them like he has been in WHC. Wonder when he is going to drop the big bomb.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh no...are you speculating or have the inside track on the big bomb?
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Apparently now he want to install in Whippany a number of bullet proof safe rooms that he can be placed in by his Security team at any sign of employee unrest. What is he planning that he needs all this protection?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    A new decree is forthcoming. No more working from home for work life balance. He believes in Yahoo concept, need to see you at all times you are not traveling. Feels must be at Whippany 100% time to communicate and collaborate and to pay homage. He will be getting daily reports on attendance from his security squad.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He literally locks us into the buildings. You have to "badge out" to leave Wayne or Montville, and the doors literally won't open unless you use your badge. WTF. Every day, it's a little dose of dehumanization. The other day the doors were jammed, and the stupid security person was away, so a bunch of us had to just sit there and wait till he got back from the bathroom so we could leave the @#$% building. That's the main reason why I'm leaving. Who the @#$ does he think he is?

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, anyone?
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Should see the mess he left in Canada. We have the same crazy enterance and exist system, but perhaps worse was letting the talent pool in the company evaporate. The person that launched Xarelto up here (arguably the most important drug since Cipro) had no experience and the results showed. He siphoned resources from everyone's budget to finance the launch and the results were disaterous.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yahoo was tanking, so the CEO found a convenient scapegoat. Not sure how much Phil can be blamed for the Bayer version of this, as the Whippany set-up was decided before Phil came on board. Of course, it seems plausible that people who are at home don't do as much work, or don't "collaborate" as well, as those who are physically in house. Nevertheless, if Bayer does pursue a 100% in house attendance policy (and I'm not convinced that they will, at least in the short-term), don't be surprised if there are problems. The experience at other companies has been less than stellar. An issue in the long-term will be that Bayer will be putting itself at a competitive disadvantage to other Pharma companies that keep a working from home policy. How big an issue this will be only time will tell.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Let's be honest, the vast majority of the "work from home" staff abuse the privilege. You can't honestly believe that everyone has the discipline to sit at home and focus on their work when all around them they are distracted by household and family. Sure there are some exceptions, but they are exactly that, exceptions. Enough said, now let all of you "work from home" people bitch about what everyone knows is true.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The entire sales organization works out of their homes, why is it that people question people from the home office when they need to do the same?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nonsense. What about all the distractions in the office? The only difference is that you may have to work harder to appear busy in the office.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He is quickly replacing all of the women leaders with men. My contacts in Bayer Canada said that's what he would do.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    And if he can't pronounce a name ie. not English, you're screwed
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Thank God for that!!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Great - everyone named John Smith is relieved
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yup. At least 1 bunker and some concrete blocks in front of the glass atrium. This is what's delaying PB's move from 6/3 to 6/24.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They say the reason we have to ask electronic permission to leave is for our safety. Ummm, yeah. I'm safer not being able to leave the building until Bayer says I can. If there's a fire, it's a good idea *not* to let the doors just open. Because we're all children. Or have had lobotomies.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He put women in charge of launching our most important product since Cipro, (Xarelto)unfortunately they buggered the launch. Don't if he did it because he supports moving women up or if the talent pool is so shallow up here that they were a default position.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Apparently they are going to be installing a number of panic button at Phil's area which will call the Security detail, lock down the building and unlock some gun storage cabinet in his private conference room. Why is he so paranoid?