Why are managers needed right now?

Discussion in 'Eli Lilly' started by anonymous, Apr 2, 2020 at 12:50 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    hr will first focus on eliminating reps. If they can’t make face to face sales calls by July the plan will be implemented. Many customers will not risk seeing reps until vaccinations are widely available. Company can’t justify size of sales force. marketing and virtual sales teams offer headcount at fraction of price without company paying rising healthcare costs of direct employees. Competition moving to this model now. Lilly not doing yet but will be forced to follow. Company trying to do right by employees but it can’t control customer response. Don’t trust what the company tells you. I’ve seen the plans. Managers will be cut as well if plan is implemented.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why managers? because when things become more normal, your sorry ass habits that you developed will need to be beaten down. Lazy Ass MoFo's.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Your low IQ and poor upbringing is evident. Were your parents animals?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Area call with DBU West DOS Friday, he says we are out of the field AT LEAST until end of May. What is everyone else hearing?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    HR and leadership are looking at a scenario of downsizing field sales with a new model with virtual and live responsibilities. We are entering a new era and it is very regionally dependent. We will be measuring the impact of reps to reach customers during this period to understand how best to model. We are not going back to the same model for most of the organization, especially the specialty and oncology business. Primary care is an easy call to thin the herd, multiple product portfolios, larger territories due to the virtual reach and execution metrics. Also vetting how best to integrate the abbvie model with these data points. Good luck to all.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What is the Abbvie model?
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Things will be very different when this is all over. No one will want any sales person of any type in any long-term care facility or hospital or many offices for that matter. Dressed in whatever is irrelevant you are an inconvenience and annoyance and no private office will want to be sued should you pick up Covid.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I'm sitting here still trying to figure out why DM's are needed right now. What a complete waste of money for the company. Millions and millions wasted over the past few months (and the next few months) over conference call initiators. They literally do nothing except initiate a conference calls and hand over the mic to someone else. Dear corporate, please downsize them. This is such old school pharma type thinking having them around. Offices and doctors don't want/like them and reps don't need them. If we are going to have them, at least put 15 to 20 to one manager. Then subdivide the teams to have teams leaders in groups of 5 or 6...with maybe a senior ex to lead the group and report to the DM.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This should have been implemented a long time ago. If you hire experienced reps with a solid record of long-term success, very little management oversight is needed. Merely just administrative stuff such as expense reports, etc.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The DM advice that I have been given the last twelve years here (from 4 different DMs) has been the same. “Keep doing what you are doing”......great...thanks for the coaching!
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You're delusional. Reps talk about you behind your back and put up with you to collect a paycheck. Two things reps don't like - admin work and more time listening to their manager rambling on and on. We listen and pretend to be interested because we get paid to listen to you.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree with having 15 reps per manager. We don't really need them anyway other than approving expense reports. They are nothing but glorified babysitters. They don't sell anything or generate any business. The ones that do "sell" are hijacking their reps calls. So where is the "coaching" if the manager is the one doing all the talking? Are they going to say "That was a great call."? Yes, that is what they do!
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I hated having a manager come like every 4 months in small pharma (when my manager had 14 people). He’s someone I learned a lot from, and if I wanted to discuss a call, I can’t just bother him while he’s in the field with someone else.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I had zero oversight at one pharma company I was at. I was in the top 10%, but it didn’t matter when I was interviewing bc all people wanted to know was “what is something negative your last manager said about you” “whats something positive” and I get “are you saying you’ve had no feedback, no coaching in a year”? This hiring manager did an extra interview screen with me and I ended up having a retracted offer despite answering questions about my capability to grow on my own. They said they were tickled to have me after my verbal offer until I went through a final brief chat with someone discussing in depth my layoff and managerial interactions (none)

    so the point is-having feedback is really important to get a job. References didn’t help.