
Discussion in 'Sunovion' started by Anonymous, Apr 24, 2012 at 5:40 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is shaping up to be a lot like xopenex hfa where Teva kicked our butt. Doctors and patients only care about one thing, the bottom line and the path of least resistance.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Launch is a joke. Will doom company ... Omnaris and zetonna should be gone. You have to be blind not to see that we actually lose money on these products.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Unbelievable....24 hours and the negative nellies make their way to the board. Its SO early in the game to predict anything. There are so many factors that make this different than HFA, only the the very short sighted would come on and be so stupid.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So many similarities. Teva will contract, yes? Teva will sample, yes? We will contract (a little), yes? With some copay card that some will use but is a hassle, yes? We will have very few samples, right? Do patients and docs like free and cheap stuff? Orrrrr do they like hassle and expensive stuff and cards and no freebies?? There's only so many people in so few rich states that buy designer jeans for $300.

    So this will be harder, because we actually had xop hfa out before the other hfa's and we gave it away for free with a voucher, remember that?

    So it's not Only the same, it's worse. Prove me wrong Polyanna...
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Too early? look at omnaris net after payments to necomed. Think we make anything? Zetonna will be a failure. Where is the launch like other drugs? Oh wait budget was scraped because this will be failure. Life raft will just float a little longer.

    All this does is divert attention that this company needs to make major changes to continue in a market that has changed.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Looking further than you nose is difficult isn't it? Teva will contract? What will they contract? The future for this market has not unfolded. If managed care organizations decide the delivery of HFA is not a significant difference, TEVA will hold the same tier 3 as we do and the generics will be the only choice...check the antihistamine market as reference. That holds much more viability than checking against what XOP HFA did. Asthma mortality is still on the rise. Managed care organizations care much more for a disease state where death is an outcome, not a runny nose. Will we have samples? Yep. So will they.

    So not is it not only the same, but probably better. Be educated. Know the business.

    Signed, Polyanna
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    1. Its Nycomed dimwit.
    2. What are the royalties we pay with the new contract? Please tell me. I'm sure you've read it with a fine tooth comb. Not that it would matter, you have proved yourself to thick to understand it anyways...
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I loved selling zetonna. DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DADADA MY ZETONNA!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I've haven't been able to get my zetonna refill filled for over 12 years. Did you guys stop making and promoting it a few months after it was launched or something?