60 Minutes

Don't try and preach that holy crap to the GOP. They like receiving all their govt subsidies while telling everyone else that they are takers!


tell me about it.

but the democrats are no better.

our country has no viable 3rd party.
why is that?
why are we constantly stuck with a choice between coke and pepsi?
both are just brown fizzy drinks. horrible.

you might argue that ross perot was the last "real" 3rd party candidate, but even he is a status quo bloke. ron paul didn't even have the courage to run under a 3rd party banner. controlled opposition?

it's almost like it doesn't matter anymore if we have a republican/democrat presidency/congress.
the last 6 years are as if bush simply changed skin color/voice/etc., and we're not hearing about xy # of american servicemen losing their lives today...

would a reasonable response be to end the entire catatonic charade?

There are those who contribute to society and those who take. People who work and pay taxes' contribute to society. They provide for the leeches or takers. It is because of us tax payers that government has money to steal and redistribute to the leeches. Occasionally, government gives us a break for our contributions to society. If you want a tax break on a house, then buy a house and pay taxes you leech.

Can you fucks really be this dumb?

There would be more taxpayers if leaches like you would give up your subsidies so that other could be treated fairly. Why do people like you deserve a home that they couldn't otherwise afford if it weren't for govt subsidies? It is a fact that 50% of those with home mortgages couldn't afford them without the subsidies. Take your snout out of the trough and rent or stfu.

Healtchcare, if you paid for your own without govt susidies others who need it could what it, and get a job instead of being sick.

Same with education.

Your defense of your subsidized lifestyle at the expense of others just shows what kind of as asswipe you are.

Your arguements here are like the really stupid shit we here from people like you regarding science like Anthropomiphic Global Climate Change and Ebola. You think setting there in your pajamas spouting what it to you common sense ends the matter. It does for your but your are a subsidy sucking and denying selfish turd.

I mean seriously, wtf??? I go to work, then come home and it is like a complete and total stupid-bomb exploded on this website.

Writes the idiot who thinks that the UN Resolution that he cited proves that the US didn't start the last war on Iraq when 13 out of the 14 countries that signed it said that they worded it in a way the it didn't and say that it didn't. But hey, you think that you are smart.

There would be more taxpayers if leaches like you would give up your subsidies so that other could be treated fairly. Why do people like you deserve a home that they couldn't otherwise afford if it weren't for govt subsidies? It is a fact that 50% of those with home mortgages couldn't afford them without the subsidies. Take your snout out of the trough and rent or stfu.

Healtchcare, if you paid for your own without govt susidies others who need it could what it, and get a job instead of being sick.

Same with education.

Your defense of your subsidized lifestyle at the expense of others just shows what kind of as asswipe you are.

Your arguements here are like the really stupid shit we here from people like you regarding science like Anthropomiphic Global Climate Change and Ebola. You think setting there in your pajamas spouting what it to you common sense ends the matter. It does for your but your are a subsidy sucking and denying selfish turd.

Bjorn STFU & stop mooching off your mom at age 50. You socialists are an embarrassment,
as well as morons using retarded arguments of equivalency. Without all those "subsidized" TAXPAYING homeowners municipalities would crumble like Detroit you buffoon. It's almost inconceivable that you are truly this stupid & clueless but then again you are a progressive socialist


tell me about it.

but the democrats are no better.

our country has no viable 3rd party.
why is that?
why are we constantly stuck with a choice between coke and pepsi?
both are just brown fizzy drinks. horrible.

you might argue that ross perot was the last "real" 3rd party candidate, but even he is a status quo bloke. ron paul didn't even have the courage to run under a 3rd party banner. controlled opposition?

it's almost like it doesn't matter anymore if we have a republican/democrat presidency/congress.
the last 6 years are as if bush simply changed skin color/voice/etc., and we're not hearing about xy # of american servicemen losing their lives today...

would a reasonable response be to end the entire catatonic charade?

Your Uncle Saul would be proud of ya.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Writes the idiot who thinks that the UN Resolution that he cited proves that the US didn't start the last war on Iraq when 13 out of the 14 countries that signed it said that they worded it in a way the it didn't and say that it didn't. But hey, you think that you are smart.

Bjorn just stuck history up ur a$$!

If any of you morons have even the slightest understanding of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then you would know that high taxes and redistribution of wealth is about as immoral as it gets. Government's job is not to take your money that you have earned and give it to someone else who has NOT earned it. We are entitled to the fruits of our labor. You leeches are not. Not only are lower taxes moral, it is an incentive to work even harder to earn more money. That is how a society thrives. Penalizing individuals, by taking their money when they earn more, is an incentive to work less. Why should government FORCE me to work for you? It is just like slave owners who forced slaves to work for them. It was immoral then and it is immoral now.


tell me about it.

but the democrats are no better.

our country has no viable 3rd party.
why is that?
why are we constantly stuck with a choice between coke and pepsi?
both are just brown fizzy drinks. horrible.

you might argue that ross perot was the last "real" 3rd party candidate, but even he is a status quo bloke. ron paul didn't even have the courage to run under a 3rd party banner. controlled opposition?

it's almost like it doesn't matter anymore if we have a republican/democrat presidency/congress.
the last 6 years are as if bush simply changed skin color/voice/etc., and we're not hearing about xy # of american servicemen losing their lives today...

would a reasonable response be to end the entire catatonic charade?

You forgot Ralph Nader.
And he nailed it 6 years ago regarding how Obama's presidency would play out:

Obama will be “Uncle Sam for the people of his country, or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

The irony of that clip is downright delicious :)
Fox News defends Obama's legacy as the first African-American president by completely distorting/ignoring Nader's prescient points. Who'da thunk it?!
The distortion by Fox isn't a surprise, but you have to see this clip to fully appreciate the depravity of that "News Corporation".

You forgot Ralph Nader.
And he nailed it 6 years ago regarding how Obama's presidency would play out:

Obama will be “Uncle Sam for the people of his country, or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

The irony of that clip is downright delicious :)
Fox News defends Obama's legacy as the first African-American president by completely distorting/ignoring Nader's prescient points. Who'da thunk it?!
The distortion by Fox isn't a surprise, but you have to see this clip to fully appreciate the depravity of that "News Corporation".

Nader is an irrelevant moron.... And basically so are you.

If any of you morons have even the slightest understanding of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then you would know that high taxes and redistribution of wealth is about as immoral as it gets. Government's job is not to take your money that you have earned and give it to someone else who has NOT earned it. We are entitled to the fruits of our labor. You leeches are not. Not only are lower taxes moral, it is an incentive to work even harder to earn more money. That is how a society thrives. Penalizing individuals, by taking their money when they earn more, is an incentive to work less. Why should government FORCE me to work for you? It is just like slave owners who forced slaves to work for them. It was immoral then and it is immoral now.

And your opinion was the the original intent of the revolution was to form a govt that "traded one mater for another" yet Southerners like you insisted that the Constitution upon which the legitimacy of that govt was based upon institutionalized slavery. This, and the fact that you don't objet to the govt subsidizing some people while not others is proof that your only principle is that any that benefits you and others like you is good and everything else is bad.

That is why you have to support them as without this help you would be a fucking looser.

And your opinion was the the original intent of the revolution was to form a govt that "traded one mater for another" yet Southerners like you insisted that the Constitution upon which the legitimacy of that govt was based upon institutionalized slavery. This, and the fact that you don't objet to the govt subsidizing some people while not others is proof that your only principle is that any that benefits you and others like you is good and everything else is bad.

That is why you have to support them as without this help you would be a fucking looser.

just want to point out it was me who used the "trading one master for another" as a critique of the american revolution.

i'm not the loon you just responded to.

If any of you morons have even the slightest understanding of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then you would know that high taxes and redistribution of wealth is about as immoral as it gets. Government's job is not to take your money that you have earned and give it to someone else who has NOT earned it. We are entitled to the fruits of our labor. You leeches are not. Not only are lower taxes moral, it is an incentive to work even harder to earn more money. That is how a society thrives. Penalizing individuals, by taking their money when they earn more, is an incentive to work less. Why should government FORCE me to work for you? It is just like slave owners who forced slaves to work for them. It was immoral then and it is immoral now.

Who do you mean by "you leeches"?

Since when has government forced you to work in order to pay taxes?

What is government's job, if any, in what seems to be your very bitter world view?

Or, let me guess, you believe every man is his own island?

Instead of working harder for money, how about working on the things that actually matter? You know, the basics to life sustenance like drinkable water, food, shelter, clothing, education, and health of mind/body/spirit. These factors lay the foundation for thriving societies that can enjoy happiness and liberty during the short time we have on this planet. After those factors are met, we can improve the world from where we found it, create art/music, plan/build/discover things, and love.


It really doesn’t matter who, what, where, why, this system is finished. One of the most intriguing forms of propaganda I see today from those who have stolen everything is that you can’t make society wealthy by taking from those who have achieved individual wealth. Hahaha. That’s a f*cking joke. It certainly is true that in a just and honest society that taking from those who have worked and toiled to invent, create and produce and giving to those who are lazy, entitled, privileged and, in general, parasites and manipulators, is not the way to create wealth for everyone. But, in actuality, most of the people who have achieved substantial wealth today have stolen it from those who don’t. It is the successful who are often lazy, entitled, privileged parasites. The methods of this theft are endless. Whether that is the surplus value of one’s labor and intellectual capital stolen by capitalists or the massive money-to-make-money dynamic of rent extraction of renter capitalism or the fraud and corruption of rigging just about every aspect of society so those who have stolen everything are guaranteed to keep it. As I have noted before on here, it doesn’t matter where or when in history, when we see this level of theft that results in concentration of wealth, a redistribution is going to happen. That could be through the failure of money, the failure of property rights, the failure of state power or any other number of methods.


Title link - The Incan economy thrived without either money or markets.

Let me reiterate a very powerful reality that is completely underappreciated or not understood. If the world of nations, society, community or individuals have the ability or know-how to accomplish something that is needed by the world of nations, society, community or individuals, and we have the able bodies and intellectual capital available to accomplish those objectives, that “thing” is achievable. Right now! Period! Money? Money has nothing to do with anything. In fact, the lack of money available today to address global, social and citizen needs is simply validation that money is the artificial, limiting factor in human, social and democratic development.

That people say there is no money to do this or there is no money for that or this or that nation is broke because they have no money or too much debt-based money are truly ignorant. That dumbing-down or ignorance is very dangerous to the rest of us, to the human race and to the planet. Especially when that ignorance is violently forced down our throats by the political and corporate class of predators.

The United States, as just one example, has over 100 million people either unemployed or in underemployed make-work, doing-each-other’s-laundry jobs. We have a vast, talented labor pool and the ability/intellectual knowledge/technical-know-how to solve every major social issue facing our nation today. That includes homelessness, childhood hunger, lack of access to healthcare, a good education. sustainable energy and economic initiatives, pollution clean-up of toxic dump sites, garbage recycling and on and on and on. That we don’t solve those issues because political idiots and private profit-driven capital doesn’t wish to - because they see no way to control it or profit from it - shows how ignorant our society’s corporate and political leaders truly are. How dumbed-down our society has become. And, mind you, corporate and political bureaucrats are wildly ignorant and that they are in control reflects on the ignorance of our society. Bureaucrats are some of the most incompetent people in our society. Class and its use of money to control others destroys the freedom of the human mind, the free exchange of knowledge and the mind’s ability to impact and change the world for the better. We are choking on the ignorance, tyranny and repression of the dumbed-down corporate state.

So what is the proper role of the federal government?
The Constitution’s Preamble says the federal government was established (and the Constitution was adopted) to “form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
The Constitution’s articles, and the subsequent Amendments, specify the prerogatives of the Feds. They are listed in Article I, Sec. 8; Articles II-V; Amendments XIII-XVI, XIX-XX, XXIII-XXVI. These prerogatives belong to one of the following categories:
1) Defense, war prosecution, peace, foreign relations, foreign commerce, and interstate commerce;
2) The protection of citizens’ constitutional rights (e.g the right to vote) and ensuring that slavery remains illegal;
3) Establishing federal courts inferior to the SCOTUS;
4) Copyright protection;
5) Coining money;
6) Establishing post offices and post roads;
7) Establishing a national set of universal weights and measures;
8 ) Taxation needed to raise revenue to perform these essential functions.
Those are the only prerogatives of the Feds. The Tenth Amendment states that all prerogatives not explicitly given to the Federal Government, nor prohibited of the states, are reserved to the states or to the people (i.e. individual Americans). So the Feds are not allowed to handle any issues not explicitly listed in the Constitution; their prerogatives are limited to what the Constitution explicitly states.
James Madison, the principal original author of that document’s original text who also wrote the first 10 Amendments, wrote in the Federalist Papers that “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”
- Federalist Paper #45, paragraph #9.
The Constitution clearly says that the Feds’ role is only to provide for the common defense, manage foreign relations, protect citizens’ constitutional rights, establish federal courts; apply and explain federal law (in the judiciary’s case); and a few other minor issues. No branch of the Federal Government is authorized to handle any other issues. So the federal establishment should be strictly limited to these tasks; all others should be reassigned to the states, local governments, and individual Americans.
Of course, the Congress should adequate finance the few agencies that perform constitutional tasks, while auditing and supervising them, and ensuring that their budgets are well spent. Indeed, the federal government even has a few constitutional obligations, such as defense.
But these functions and agencies are few, and are limited by the Constitution. The federal government already raises enough revenue every year to finance them. FY2010 federal tax revenue was sufficient to finance the Pentagon, the State Department, the USPS, the ITC, and the few other federal agencies authorized by the Constitution, but it wasn’t enough to finance an intrusive federal establishment that tinkers with the environment, oil corporations, schools, hospitals, railroads, subways, and highways.
Nor can the Congress legally delegate its prerogatives to someone else, as per the nondelegation doctrine. Hence, the Fed is unconstitutional and should be abolished.
Ronald Reagan said during his First Inaugural Address: “We are a nation that has a government, not the other way around. Our government has no power except that granted by the people, and this makes us special among the nations of the Earth.” Indeed!
In 1794, when the Congress considered whether to appropriate $15,000 (a paltry amount even if adjusted for inflation) to French refugees (fleeing a Jacobin-governed country where innocent people were being slaughtered), Congressman James Madison, the author of the Constitution and the first 10 Amendments, voted against that appropriation, saying that he “could not undertake to lay [his] finger on that article in the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents. And if they once broke the line laid down before them, for the direction of their conduct, it was impossible to say to what lengths they might go, or to what extremities this practice might be carried.”
The federal government has continued this trend to troubling extremities, indeed. And it has a big annual budget deficit exactly because it has grown inexorably, meddling with affairs not assigned to it by the Constitution.
Nowadays, it maintains 15 Cabinet departments, 2,001 subsidy programs, thousands of pages of federal regulations on the Federal Register, a job-killing EPA, highways that states don’t even want, and government-owned enterprises. It regulates everything, from fuel production rates, to the financial industry, to the oil industry, to minimum wages. It has bailed out many corporations and distributes hundreds of billions of dollars of pork programs (including those 2,001 subsidy programs) every year.
It should therefore be significantly reduced – in line with the Constitution. All unconstitutional agencies and programs, however popular or however many people they serve, should be abolished, while constitutional agencies should be preserved (but also reviewed and reformed).
It is time for Republicans, the conservative media, and conservative lawyers to say this loudly. And it is time for Congressional Republicans to start trying to implement such policies, regardless of what the GOP establishment tells them.

"Instead of working harder for money, how about working on the things that actually matter? You know, the basics to life sustenance like drinkable water, food, shelter, clothing, education, and health of mind/body/spirit. These factors lay the foundation for thriving societies that can enjoy happiness and liberty during the short time we have on this planet. After those factors are met, we can improve the world from where we found it, create art/music, plan/build/discover things, and love."

Individual FREEDOM is the foundation for thriving societies. So quit telling people how to live. You make your music and work on your spirit, but don't expect people to pay your bills, ok leech?