Bausch+Lomb Drug Screen

Discussion in 'Bausch & Lomb' started by Anonymous, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:36 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah, definitely a first rate loser. You will get hired and fit in nicely.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Scam artists and snoops.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Too bad they dont screen for fraud and lying and being evil scum bags.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hi, I was hoping to know if Baudch+Lomb would accept a positive THC after doing a pre-employment background screening in NY?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You do reali4 Valeant is long gone. A company can use whatever they want. Hair, saliva, or urine. If you get medical marijuana you can disclose that. Companies nowadays have test that pick up on things that are taken to sway the test to be negative. If you’re doing drugs, they will find out. There are probably people that work for the company that are currently doing drugs, and if they were subjected to drug test they would probably fail.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I heard Bausch is doing random drug screens and employees are starting to be notified. Different labs are requiring different tests so everyone will have different screens. One way or another if your doing pot, come, shrooms or whatever they are gonna find it. The easy way to get rid of people.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You have to be on drugs to want to work for a micromanaged nightmare like Bausch-Lomb, so that is quite the conundrum if you actually get a job off and want the job, forcing you to take the pee test.

    Or a very naive person that has no experience.

    Or just a total clueless person that hates life and themselves.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What are some drugs that make you to take over a 150+ year company the second they are clear of massive debt brought on by years of fraudulent levels of greed and then as your first act buy two shitty overpriced drops to put the company back into debt while ignoring all the supply chain issues that have crippled your revenue in your two highest revenue segments (Vision Care and Surgical)?

    We need to test Brent Saunders for whatever that is. He seems to not give a shit about anything but increasing his payday when he eventually sells parts of our business in the next 5-7 years after he overcommits to the sketchiest one (overpriced eye drops that will cripple people’s budgets and segment the product for the rich only until insurance companies cover more of the cost years down the road).
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    5-7 years? Dude more like 1-2 years tops if they can get someone interested to take on the debt and xiidra/miebo can put some money in the kitty. My take this is sinking ship and the band may start getting cued for when xiidra and or miebo flatline. I can just picture bf conducting the band as water starts pouring in.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The fact that this company still exists can and will push some people to use drugs. Then, you start working here. If you go out into the field and communicate what this company is selling, you do so with guilt, knowing that you are lying to people and not doing what is in the best interests of numerous entities.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They have people who won Platinum and Presidents’ Club who are drug users standing on stage accepting awards and operating company vehicles. I’m pretty sure they will take you as long as you are breathing.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Circle of Excellence * Golden Circle * Peer Leadership *
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We just had a major reorganization where some people were let go probably for that reason.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This is a TRUE fact: East Coast to be specific.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Driggies, boozers, losers, idiots who can’t sell. Hell they even hired Fat Charlie the Donut Boy