Managers that text every evening...

Discussion in 'Pharma/Biotech Comp - Gen Discussion |Pharma Sales' started by anonymous, Aug 26, 2018 at 11:12 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    wanted to get opinions

    What do you think of a manager that group texts the daily numbers and other company updates every evening between 9 and 11 pm?

  2. Mr. Silence Dogood

    Aug 26, 2018
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    Unless the information being shared is instrumental to the success of a project, and requires careful monitoring and frequent attention, I'm of the opinion that this type of information is best suited for either a web page on the company intranet or perhaps email updates, this way it's available for retrieval rather than being pushed. I've noticed a theme developing with management of avoiding asynchronous communication in favor of more instantaneous means, such as meetings, check-ins, and text messaging. I characterize this as a misuse use of technology and a burden on employee bandwidth. Instantaneous communication, such as large group text threads, certainly have their place, for example during regulatory inspections, where time is of the essence and keeping everyone in a tight loop is necessary, but beyond scenarios such as these, it's simply unnecessary and downright annoying.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    i agree with the above poster

    All companies should start giving managers guidance on when/ how/ what to text. This has been done with emails - very clear guidance as to what/how your emails should consist of.
    Managers that t4xt all the time- especially in the evenings- are displaying a lack of self awareness.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I told my manager that since the information she was group texting after 9pm (after the kids were settled for the evening) was not urgent, I would have my phone on "do not disturb" until 7am and would address it then. Too many managers are trying to make themselves look "valuable" to the company and think that by appearing to work all the time, they are justifying and protecting their jobs. It's utterly ridiculous that my evening is being interrupted by these group texts, not to mention the flurry of responses from teammates.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    These are signs of a very insecure, unethical, or brown noser manager. She wants to look & feel good by showing all she does is work. Perhaps she’s also sharing information that shouldn’t be shared on corporate emails because legal would be calling her in. Stand firm on not instantly responding despite your other colleagues doing so...they’re brown noses too!
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    my manager texts constantly about everything, cannot even recall the last time he sent an email to our district. I think it is extremely unprofessional and an unnecessary distraction for reps who spend most of their days driving.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yep it is disrespectful to us reps as we drive all damn day! The nerve of them! Then add in your teammates who text as well as you’re driving. Seems everyone needs instant gratification these days.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The kiss ass reps that reply to EVERY reply are worse. My phone constantly vibrates like a quarter fed bed in a cheap motel. Just quit with the ass kissing. We all see through it.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Managers that text and email after hours think they are sending a message about their work ethic- and want to show that they work 20 hours a day.
    The reality is that these managers are advertising how poor their time management is because they are unable to communicate important information during the course of the business day.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Managers that text in the evening show a lack of self awareness and low emotional intelligence.,,just because THEY feel it is important to communicate something at 9pm not mean their reports feel the need to receive that information at 9pm.
    It is no different than when we make sales calls. If a doctor has an ambulance in front of the office and a patients is in distress. The time to deliver is sales call is not beneficial for that physician.

    Effective communication is not just about delivering information but being aware of who you are delivering the information to and how you are delivering it.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Very true
    This constant texting should not be allowed
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Amen!! These are the same managers that would rip into you if you tried to push ahead with a doctor that was obviously busy.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    BTW: this is the same person that has sent spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations via text!
    Ever try to read a spreadsheet on your phone?!?
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Spot on to all of you! And I thought this only happened in my district. Managers are scared to put anything on email and so we are seeing more and more texts. Sometimes I just can’t bring myself to be part of the endless, mindless chain of responses.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    i don’t know if it is as much about being afraid to put things in an email as it is just sheer laziness and low emotional intelligence.

    My manager walks around with his phone as a third hand. He is constantly checking sales data and spewing out endless text messages telling us what we need to do. Then 6 out of 10 people in my district feel the need to thumbs up or heart or exclamation point EVERYTHING he sends out. When I get up in the morning their are usually already 20 text messages b/c these people have texted and then ‘liked’ random nonsense all evening.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Oh yes! There's nothing more embarrassing than having your phone blow up during a lunch presentation because everyone on your team has to acknowledge some idiotic reminder text. If you don't have enough brains to remember to be on a conference call, maybe you should find another job. My manager treats us like third graders!
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Spot on!
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Our manager has started using an app to communicate with us. That is equally annoying. So now, we have to look at e-mails, texts and the app! On top of that she wants to have conference calls all the time. She hasn't gotten the clue that most of us want to be left alone because the kiss ups keep sending thumbs ups.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    My dumbass manager with BD sends e-mails tracking our numbers on a daily basis. Talk about overkill. Also sends e-mails in the middle of the night. We all know he's insecure and just trying to make himself look like he's working harder than everyone. A true yes man who can't think for himself. Pathetic.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That sounds like our manager FA from Dallas with Valeant.
    Leave us alone during the night for God's sake!