Another meeting for Rx?

This is a move out of either desperation or ignorance (maybe both). This will drastically hurt sales. I don’t believe there is an appetite for Rx products with poor coverage at a cost of $100. I hope galderma has a healthy budget for recruiters. We will have to recruit more people from outside of derm that have no idea what a failing derm company looks like.
This also shows the value FH brought. He fought marketing/finance on this and now sales doesn’t have an advocate.

Fleming and his crew never liked the card as it gave the product away for free and rep never had to sell. Card is very expensive and had to be changed. Can't pay the bills with a $75 product.

That’s funny because they keep telling us how profitable we are and we’ve hit our number for like five years in a row with this card. We were told for so long that this card was built for predictability and sustainability. I want to put a prediction on record, it’ll take about 4 months and they’ll be panicking when the volume tanks. And good luck selling Oracea at $100/month.
Also about your comment about we haven’t been selling, show me another retinoid that has any volume at a cost of $100.

That is true that HQ believes any success was due to the card and not the reps or the products. Now take away the one thing that works and we are done unless we can sell a $100 retinoid. Good luck.

That is true that HQ believes any success was due to the card and not the reps or the products. Now take away the one thing that works and we are done unless we can sell a $100 retinoid. Good luck.

Yup that is correct. That is our concern. When the $100 crushes our business what is left? They want more covered scripts so the answer they present is raise the prices? This will cause a less new scripts and is the start to a quick downward spiral. I guess time will tell.

Galderma is stuck in a corner on Rx products. They are far too expensive and have poor coverage. The only way to get broad access (and grow topline demand) is to subsidize with the rebate card. But leaving 60-70% on the table must be too juicy for the PE owners. Demand will definitely tank depending on back end rule changes. Not only for those now stuck with the bill but the doctors who stop writing it b/c it is too much of a hassle. They've been playing this game for 2013 but the problem is a lot more patients have high deductibles these days.

Very well said. Basically the business model doesn’t work and they are trying anything to get more profits. I just hope they know what they are doing bc a move like this could be catastrophic to the organization and the sales force. I agree with the other person that this model will not work and will either be changed back or blamed on the sales force when volume crashes. It’s never the fault of the bad decision at the top, it just wasn’t executed correctly.

The strategy might work if Access was better but HMOs cover generics and discourage the brands in both acne and rosacea so this is indeed the end of the game. Needed to get out of acne and rosacea 3 or 4 years ago but with no R&D and no BD we are doomed.

The biggest issue in Rx is the absence of new & innovative products that will command a higher price. We have milked the cow to death and unless BD finds something quickly we are doomed.

The biggest issue in Rx is the absence of new & innovative products that will command a higher price. We have milked the cow to death and unless BD finds something quickly we are doomed.

BD team (or should I say “BP Team”) is the joke of the industry after the Sol-Gel deal. Incompetent on a level I have never seen.