Roche ordered Genentech to work on application of AI in drug discovery. At Roche no one really understands it, but to their surprise Genentech is not up to the task after years of dependency on Roche.The made an agreement with Invidia who will be the real beneficiary by familiarizing itself with this domain.
organization is filled with incompetent management scooped from the bottom barrel of the talent pool at other companies and relies on heroics from individual contributors to carry the burden of incometent managers.
new ceo is interviewing existing vice-presidents to see who would stay and who has to go. This is under pretext to introduce himself and know them better. Considerations for external candidates are already in place.
Good performers after being hired are formed using the Roche mold and after a few years they become average or worse.
They will take this new normal with them when they change employment.
With closing manufacturing the company has become a large aimless research place following the requests from Roche. Its executives are unable to make independent decisions