Middle aged man carrying Olive Garden, in a suit...

Discussion in 'The Darkened Sample Closet' started by Anonymous, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:52 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Check out www.medicalsalescollege.com

    They will train and prepare you to help get into medical device sales. I took the program after being in pharm for many years and have landed a great job in the orthopedic industry. I am no longer in the catering business and work in the operating room every day.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You need to leverage your relationships, and there are always products you can sell to doctors.

    don't complicate your career.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Device is facing the same fate as pharma. All we can do is buy time until we find another opportunity outside the industry. The operating room gets old real quick you will see. Make the best of it and enjoy it while it lasts. I wouldn't advise any of my family and friends to enter device sales but to each their own. Good luck.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    An obvious advertisement from EliteMed-Medical Sales College. These people think we are dumb.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    job market has been terrible for at least 5 years, and a lot of that has to do with the policy in DC, so things will not get better if socialism continues in Nov.

    Many companies are holding cash to wait and see what happen in Nov., which makes this the most important election in the USA since 1980.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sorry to hear that the competition is eating you for lunch. Best you get out now before your boss fires you from continually not hitting quota. Get one of those jobs at the kiosk selling hair extensions in the mall
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Its good to see that strip clubs and drinking after hours still impacts business.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is a Genentech rep- entitled POS
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah this job totally sucks.....

    Pull in $180,000 a year with bonus...

    Company car....

    Great benes.....

    5 weeks vacation....

    What really sucks is that I have to work about 3 hours a week....after drive time listening to talk radio....

    Oh yeah...I also have to carry in a couple bags of food occassionally and am worried about it crushing my self esteem because I'm so insecure....
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    its a total kiss assing job.

    Make all the money you want, but I will take self respect over anything.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What pharm makes 180? Most managers don't make that.

    It's okay every sales rep tells the truth about salary here...cough.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Specialty Reps make $180....you insecure young little dweebs get paid about $60k right?

    I'll take my $180 and buy my toys.....you can try to barter with your "self respect"....I'm sure it has gotten you a lot right?

    Again it comes down to your own insecurity. Grow up little reps or get out...
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    you are a moron.

    keep snorting whatever you snort and die and grow old with nobody going to your funeral.
  14. AnswerMan4Ever!

    AnswerMan4Ever! Active Member

    Nov 9, 2006
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    And what kind of work do you do that you have so much self respect?
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    retired rep here. Invested in car wash property. Its a lot more work, and less pay. but, no more kissing butt.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Toys...wow. Interesting post. I'm in device, make what you do, am 30 years old and I don't brag about toys. I'd rather spend time with my baby boy and wife, continue with my charity work, and not chastise people for what they make.

    To each his own. You sound very happy.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    180K is BS, 150 maybe for specialty. Anyway, it is a great job compared to the alternatives. I hope I can last until retirement because the industry is changing, the regulations over what we can say and do keep ramping up. Soon, there won't be any need at all for us. Samples can come in the mail, drug information is available on the internet, hotels still give out pens, and Olive Garden will deliver for a small fee. Hang on as long you can. How long will that be?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey! I'm carrying OG into an office, by request, in less than 12 hours. Now I'm not gonna sleep, can't turn the key to my Ford ______ tomorrow, and feel like i need to just end my life. Really? No... I'm just kidding, and am now being honest, unlike so many posts here.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How did it go?

    Your post made me laugh.

    Its just a job, right? Dam, I miss the good ole days, when professionals were treated like professionals and there was one interview for the job!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Boy life sure is tough in the pharma industry. I'm a sales rep in the automotive aftermarket world, and do the same exact things as you pharma guys, making a nice 80k, plus car, all of that.. And guess what...it's NO different.

    It's repetitive, it's a game of managing your time to appear busier than you really are, you schmooze people in base jobs, to hear the decision maker ramble on about how much the business sucks and is down, and then log it in sales force, and repeat.

    I'd love to know what a real job out there is because I've had several of them, including a stint as a police officer. You want to talk about a job with pressure AND dealing with the bottom 5% of society, vs the top you guys deal with...

    In short, an outsider looking at these boards wondering how to get into pharma or med devices looks at these posts and sees a bunch of pissy braggarts... If you hate the job and the industry, then do everyone a favor and go get that real job where you keep your head high, and GTFO of the industry, because I sure as hell would love a crack at pissing and moaning about how the job sucks, while making a cool 50k+ more than I do now for the same job with a different product.

    Do me a fair, give me a connection to a hiring manager In your company, and I'll do the rest to turn your territory around after you leave for those elusive greener pastures. Ou guys are so bad ass posting anonymously about how bad your anonymous employer is in your anonymous region.

    Quit your bitching and make room for someone who wants in and would be tickled for 125k a year. Go get a mobile car wash franchise or open a few subways and be happy then.