Too many losers hanging on

I'd be mortified to tell people I worked for this dumpster fire of an organization. Also, you can love your manager all you want, but when Galderma shuts it's doors as a result of incompetent business decisions and total mismanagement, it doesn't matter how much you wanted to hold out for loyalty's sake. You and your manager are both gonna be in the unemployment line, and the c-suite are all gonna be just fine. They may be unemployed but living from huge severances. You won’t have that luxury.

You can stay here and rot, nod your head in agreement with everything our useless CEO says, no matter how idiotic. You are miserable and stuck and you know it. Thanking my lucky stars I am no longer in this dead end company.

You should be happy for anyone that can leave this rat hole. Just because you haven't had the ability to leave yet and I'm sure try to justify in your head and to everyone else that this is an ok job, shouldn't stop you from being happy for someone else. I'm happy for them and hope to get my opportunity to get the heck out of this shit storm soon. How can anyone think this isnt a shit storm environment?

I think that they are continuing to make this place worse so they won't have to pay for severance. Those waiting for a package might just need to take a leap of faith and leave without one...while there are still decent jobs to be had.